Ignite is a project works alongside Spark, Ignite™ values each resident and their want to strengthen different areas of their lives. While residents are living at Frontier Senior Independent Living, they can take part in the variety of activities Ignite has to offer.
With each new edition of Ignite™, also comes growth within the participants. Progress takes time; we are here to walk alongside you in your journey.
Providing residents with daily activities to help them get out of their comfort zone.
Making social, physical, mental, and emotional connections. Activating each of the 5 senses to help strengthen the brain and its ability to remember, focus, and grow.
The autumn edition includes activities geared towards embracing creativity and community with other residents. Each edition will come with a Newspaper and an activity booklet.
The newspaper will contain that information as an introduction and some preview activities for the elders.
Describes the benefits of creativity
Short description of all of the activities
Comic strip
Crossword puzzle
About Us
Event Calendar
The activity book will have four different categories related to the specific edition.
4 different activities
Range from introductory, intermediate, to advanced
Easy-to-understand steps
Group activities
For a more extensive overview of our process, our slide deck is available
Design, Mockups, Production, Print
Project type
Newspaper, Activity Book, Mockups, Slide deck
Diane Lee, Jacob Enzor, Elliana Ruperto, Emelie Thurston